Karl was a policeman man. The key word here is was and also Carl, since that’s the subject of the sentence and also policeman being the predicate. Nominative, that’s fairly key. They’re all keywords.

Karl was policeman and for a time he was very successful policeman. Any policeman could police the city in their police car, pulling over traffic violators for traffic violations. But Karl had a way of scaring them straight and his way of scaring them straight. To be less vague about it was to squint his eyes.

Karl was known the city over for his intimidating squint. It was so intimidating. People he pulled over for speeding, vowed never to speed again. Nair do Wells vowed Nair to Nair do well again. Selfcentered.

People vowed to let people in in traffic and to give a wave back when someone does the same for them, even when he would pull people over for having a break light out with one glimpse of Karl’s squint, they would crumble and confess other crimes they may have committed or just make one up if they hadn’t. This all changed, however, when Karl was assigned to patrol the south end of the city during afternoon rush hour, a time when most motorists are leaving the city to get to the suburbs.

As such, most of the traffic violators Karl pulled over on the south end of the city were southbound, which meant that when he went to the side of a vehicle to speak to the driver, he was always facing west, the late afternoon sun shining directly in his eyes, so he began to wear sunglasses. But now people couldn’t see him squint. Everything changed.

People seemed to respect him less. Now, without his intimidating squint, Karl couldn’t strike fear in the hearts of lawbreaking motorists the way he used to. He eventually stopped wearing sunglasses so he could squint at people again. But then everyone just thought he was squinting because of the sun, which he kind of was. Carl became very distressed.

If it weren’t for that sun, he wouldn’t have to wear sunglasses if it weren’t for the sun. People could see him squint and see it as a nonsunrelated squint. But if it weren’t for the sun, no one would be able to see anything. Period. What are you going to do?

What Karl did do was become a mall cop so he could work indoors. This job, however, paid a lot less, so much that he had to postpone the wedding with Linda, and in the end they broke it off altogether. Karl couldn’t help but cry. He was on duty to keep people from noticing. He began to wear sunglasses.