And then, without warning, the suspect spat right in the female officer’s face
Although presumably disgusted, Culture decided to carry on with her work. After all, she had a long day ahead of her policing Kyiv’s New Year’s Day activities soon. In fact, she’d forgotten the incident completely.
Now back to the story
Nevertheless, in the weeks that followed, Cult Sova began to feel unwell and yet showed the utmost determination. The officer still turned up to her work each and every day. Then, however, something worrying happened. Recalling the shocking turn of events called Silva’s partner Kendrakovitch linked everything back to the incident.
On January 1, she became ill after New Year’s Day, she had arrested this guy in a spat in her face, he told The Daily Mail. And sometime later she collapsed after her collapse.
Doctors diagnosed called Sophia with tuberculosis TB unbeknownst to the policewoman. The suspect she detained on New Year’s Day had contracted the disease, so when he spat on her, Sova must have caught it. Tb is highly contagious and spreads via sneezing and coughing.
The infection typically attacks the lungs, and symptoms include a bad cough that won’t go away in an unexplained drop in weight. Some sufferers also experience night sweats, fatigue, neck swelling, and a reduced appetite. Once someone inhales TB bacteria, it travels into the lungs and for the first six weeks, it will appear to lie dormant.
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