This family adopted a girl that no one wanted after 15 years, they discover its shocking truth. Adopting a child is never an easy decision. The process is long and expensive, but in the end, it is all worth it. Give a child a better chance at life. Sometimes unexpected problems can arise that complicate thing. Read to find out what some of these problems are. A single man adopts five siblings so he doesn’t have to separate them. Being in foster care is never the best feeling in the world without knowing if you are going to be adopted.
When you have to wonder if you’re going to be separated from your siblings
It’s even worse. Robert Carter, a 29-year-old man from Ohio, USA, and the third child of nine knew how bad it could be to be separated from family. When he was just twelve years old, he and his siblings were taken into care. But with so many brothers and sisters, it was impossible to keep them all together, meaning Robert was separated from his siblings and left to fend for himself, not knowing where the rest of his family was or if they were well plunged Robert into depression.

Now back to the story. So in a situation similar to this presented itself many years later, Robert knew there was only one thing to do. After going through the foster care system, Robert felt that he wanted to give back and help other unfortunate children who had also found themselves in such a situation, and so he decided to go into fostering.
In December 2018
Mr. Cartel found himself fostering three little brothers, Robert Jr. Nine, Giovanni Five, and Zhang Tay four. While in his care, the brothers kept talking about their two sisters from whom they had been separated while in foster care. Aware of the emotional trauma of separation, Robert refused to let it happen to his family. The man contacted the foster care agency and was able to locate the two sisters Mariana Ten and Michaela Seven, and reunite the family after six months of separation. But not wanting the possibility of the siblings being separated again, Robert went one step further.

On 30th October 2019
Robert officially adopted all five children. Now with a home and a secure future, the Cartel family is happier than ever, and although it’s a big change, Robert wouldn’t trade it for the world. Knowing that the siblings will be able to grow up together as a family while taking in five new children at once maybe a bit of a shock. It’s great to know that this is a family that won’t be separated. What’s even more shocking is the following story. Keep watching to find out why the adopted children turned out to be biological siblings.
Being a mother is never easy
Especially when you are alone. But for Katie Page, it was the only thing she wanted. Up until her 30s, Katie was just like anyone else, living in Colorado Park in the US, married with a house and a good job. But everything changed when she and her husband separated. Despite no longer having a partner, Katie still wanted to have a child, claiming that she was incomplete in her life. The only problem was that Katie had discovered she had infertility problems, which meant she couldn’t get pregnant, not letting these setbacks discourage her, Katie sought to become a mother in a nontraditional way.

By adopting
To begin her adoption journey, Katie first decided to become a foster parent. By doing this, she said that not only was she able to give back to children in need, but she was also able to test whether she was ready to become a single parent. In 2017, Katie took the plunge. In May, a baby boy named Greyson had been born who was unfortunately abandoned by his mother. Upon learning of her dilemma, Katie was quick to come to the rescue and adopted her first child on 25th May 2017.
But the story doesn’t end there. Not long after Grazon was adopted, Katie received a phone call about another baby in need of a home, a girl named Hannah. I’m sure at first she decided to go for it.
Something about me is telling me, I’m supposed to say yes to this. I’m telling you God is telling me to say yes, and I do not know why.

Shortly after welcoming Hannah into her home
Katie noticed something strange. What she discovered was about to shock her. She realized that Hannah had been born in the same hospital as Greyson. Not only that, but they also had the same mother’s name and the same date of birth on their hospital bracelet. After getting a little suspicious, Katie began to notice similar traits between the two children. After finding out, Katy told the caseworkers, and within two weeks, Katy’s Hunch was proven correct. A DNA test revealed that the two children were biological siblings.
Resolving that the two children were destined to meet, Katie decided to adopt Hannah on 28th December 2018, and she became part of the family. Katie has since learned that a third child was born to the same mother. Wanting to keep the siblings together, Katie hopes to also adopt a baby named Jackson. How crazy to think the two siblings could end up with the same adoptive mother without even realizing it. But as unbelievable as this story was, the next one is even crazier Namata’s adoption and the shocking Truth Jessica Davies is a photographer from Ohio, USA.

She lives with her husband
Adam, and their four children, and although her life seemed perfect, she always felt that something was missing. I’ve always hoped to make a difference in this world, Jessica said, to bring kindness, peace, or healing to a world that is often flooded with loss. When the decision to adopt was made. It seemed like a no-brainer. Once the decision was made, Jessica and Adam wasted no time and thoroughly researched the process of bringing a new member home for them. Adopting was not about expanding their family, but a way to share their abundance of love and their home.
The process was not easy, knowing that there were children in the US and around the world who needed help. But Jessica and Adam decided to adopt a child from Uganda, believing he was the one most in need. They began the process in October 2013, took piles of paperwork, countless sets of fingerprints, and tens of thousands of dollars. But finally, in 2015, the Davies family was able to welcome a beautiful, strong, and brave little girl named Namata into their home. But nothing could have prepared them for what happened over the next year and a half, Namata told her new family all sorts of stories about her beloved family and home in Uganda.
But what Namara told Jessica
didn’t match the adoption agency’s reports. At first, she thought it was the girl’s way of dealing with her tragic past. But Jessica soon realized that this was not the case. What was this huge bombshell? It turns out that the girl the Amish had spent years trying to adopt was not an orphan at all, and almost everything in her file was a lie. The more he looked into Namada’s case, the worse the revelations became, she finally discovered that Namada came from a very loving family and that her mother never wanted to give her up for adoption.

In fact
Canada’s mother didn’t even realize that this was the case but believed that her daughter had been sponsored by a wealthy American family so that she could receive a better education before returning home. It turns out that the adoption agency tricked the matron’s mother into giving up her daughter in order to provide a supposed orphan for the baby’s family. And by the time the mother realized what was happening, it was too late to stop it. Devastated by this revelation, Jessica and Adam spent months uncovering the details of her case to realize that Namara’s mother’s experience was not uncommon in international adoption.
In many villages around the world, especially in poorer countries, there are families desperate to reunite with their children who have been illegally separated through intercountry adoption. It has been heartbreaking for me to realize that such a beautiful and pure act can be tainted with such evil, said Jessica. After discovering the truth, Jessica and Adam decided there was only one thing they could do. They had to reunite the Bush with her mother and the rest of her family.

They were saying, you can just keep her if you want, I said to them. I didn’t purchase her at Walmart
Throughout the journey to make the Ugandan family whole again, Jessica was met with resistance at every turn from those who did not fully understand the situation. And said she should keep the child to the US government, who told her that it was up to Mrs. Davies to decide if she wanted to return Namara to her rightful family. Adam and Jessica managed to solve the problem and got Namata back to her home and family in Uganda, and in 2016, more than a year later, Namata was able to hug her mother once again.

Although the Davies family was upset at the loss of someone they had come to see as a daughter, they were delighted that Namata was able to return home where she belonged. She was even able to meet her baby sister, who had been born during her absence. The Davies family continues to hear from Namara, often with photos and sometimes videos. And although losing her has been hard, Jessica wouldn’t have it any other way. After seeing how happy Namada is now that she is back with her family.
Do you know of any amazing adoption stories? tell us in the comments